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Join the Oxfordshire Record Society

  • You will receive our annual publication, which is a high-quality, hardback volume of original Oxfordshire sources, and
  • You will have access to various resources via the ORS website
  • Contact with Oxfordshire historians and participation in our AGM, and
  • Have the satisfaction of knowing that you are supporting the Society’s work and objectives, from traditional book publication to new initiatives such as digitisation, all promoting awareness of Oxfordshire’s history.

Membership Fees

UK Individual - £25 per annum

UK Individual (Digital Only) - £25 per annum

UK Joint - £35 per annum

UK Student/Under 25 (Digital Only) - £15 per annum

UK Institution - £40 per annum

UK Institution (Digital Only) - £40 per annum

International Individual - £60 per annum

International Individual (Digital Only) - £60 per annum

International Institution - £75 per annum

International Institution (Digital Only) - £75 per annum